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… rocking your world since 1979

Posts Tagged ‘Beer

Der Berg Ruft

May 29, 2010

‘The Berg is Calling’ is the translation and the tagline for The ‘Bergkirchweih‘ Festival. The Berg is a massive festival that happen in Erlangen, Germany around the end of May each year, and its pretty much Oktoberfest without all the tourist. So think carnival and then think beer, think beer again and then 1.4 million […]

Beer Beer Beer

April 28, 2010

Living in germany this past 10 months, can be summed up in a few words,  “Beer, Beer, Bratwurst, and Beer”. While I’m not a massive drinker I do enjoy a beer or 3 with some friends! Working/studying in Bavaria the home of the stereotypes of Germany, with the Lederhosen, Bratwurst, Ompa Bands, BMW, and of […]